Hey Everyone, here's some recent illustration from this semester, not my best, but not the worst either... Next semester I will be taking book illustration, which is more my cup of tea... so you'll see those in a few months along with more selections of my thesis/fine art work.
Assignment- choose a famous historical individual- Title: Lumber Jackson- about Mr. Twenty Dollar Bill's clearing of land and his kindness to the people who occupied that land (in the name of God and country).

ReInterpretation of Aseop Fable- The Mother and the Wolf (mistress wolf gets the last laugh)
A famished wolf was prowling about in the morning in search of food. As he passed the door of a cottage built in the forest, he heard a Mother say to her child, "Be quiet, or I will throw you out of the window, and the Wolf shall eat you." The Wolf sat all day waiting at the door. In the evening he heard the same woman fondling her child and saying: "You are quiet now, and if the Wolf should come, we will kill him." The Wolf, hearing these words, went home, gasping with cold and hunger. When he reached his den, Mistress Wolf inquired of him why he returned wearied and supperless, so contrary to his wont. He replied: "Why, forsooth! use I gave credence to the words of a woman!"